Herban Produce

Brand & Business Strategy Consultant

_ Skills + Services _

Creative Direction

Strategic Brand Design

Business Development

Product Development

Content Strategy & Execution

Consumer Experience & Programming

Harvest to Table in 24 hours.


For Herban Produce, a 2 acre farm & with a
non-profit arm, in Chicago, I am a Creative & Business Consultant. My work with them in 2020 moved them from local non-profit community initiative into a growing for-profit farm with community outreach at the heart of it.

In 2021 we began several new initiatives that are launching this summer - a restaurant, an event space, a cannabis operation, and coming in 2022, a landscaping and urban farm & garden store. 


Phase _01

The first thing we did was work to determine their ultimate goals and target audience(s). We wanted Herban to look professional and smart but still maintain that farm-grown appeal, for both audiences - the consumers purchasing the product and the community it was working to serve.

Phase _02

Once we had a fresh new look we began digging into program development and consumer engagement. We have always had fantastic restaurant wholesale clients but we wanted to expand that to retail clientele. 2020 made that a little tricky for our first year, but we still had 2 very successful brand new subscription programs and were able to do a lot with the local community.

Phase _03

Now in 2021 we are full steam ahead with classes, workshops, new restaurant clients, a new event space build out, a cafe on the premises (see The Coop) and several other businesses in the pipeline.

*Brand Design


Fresh & Modern



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